Eye examination

Low Cost – and No Cost – Eye Testing in Israel

Eye examination

The question is often asked: What is the situation with eye tests in Israel? Are eye examinations covered under the medical aid system (Kupat Cholim)? If not, what exactly are my options?! Those with weaker vision know well the constant need to go for regular eye tests for prescription glasses. Of course – glasses are one thing, and the health of the eye is quite another. If it’s an actual eye test for the purpose of the health of the eye you require, you’re going to need to contact an ophthalmic surgeon / ophthalmologist.  If it’s new glasses or contact lenses you’re in need of, you’ll need to make an appointment with the optometrist! In this post, we’re going to show you your low cost choices as well as an option that will give you free testing for glasses and offer frames and lenses at practically cost prices!
